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    Sold Up, Sabbatical and Service

    Podcast episode where I discuss my journey of discovering a new passion and purpose.

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      Picture of Vaughan Broderick

      Vaughan Broderick

      Hi friends, πŸ‘‹

      This week’s issue is a bit different than usual.

      Recently, I had the pleasure of being a guest on The Nomad Solopreneur Show hosted by Gabe Marusca.

      We explored how my journey of being burnt out led to selling up my business, travelling 23 countries, completing an MBA and finding a new passion and purpose.

      I have previously talked about Ikigai and the process of finding purpose in this issue.

      This week goes deeper into why I do what I do.

      Today, the best way to digest the episode is through your favourite listening platform. You can access them here:

      Here’s the outline of what we covered:

      “Welcome to The Nomad Solopreneur Show!

      I’m your host, Gabe Marusca, joining you on your solopreneurship journey as you build, grow, and learn.

      Today we have with us Vaughan Broderick, who sold his business, backpacked 23 countries, got an MBA, and then launched into the world of design thinking and innovation.

      He aims to inspire people like you to think differently about life and business.

      Vaughan shared today with us the DUCTRI design thinking model created by Dr. Christian Walsh.

      A model that considers the resources and implementation phases critical to innovation.”

      Important Time Stamps

      (00:39) From Printing Industry to Property Entrepreneurship

      (02:53) MBA Journey and Year-long Backpacking Adventure

      (06:03) Transition to Design Thinking and Coaching

      (10:46) Introduction to Design Thinking and its Core Mindsets and Principles

      (13:28) The Creating Phase of Design Thinking

      (21:03) Recommended resources for diving deeper into Design Thinking & Innovation

      (24:29) Where to connect with Vaughan and find his free design thinking resources

      Connect with Vaughan

      Vaughan Recommends

      I hope you enjoy listening as much as Maria and Elangovan did.

      That’s all for today friends! πŸ‘‹

      If you learned something useful, would you share the newsletter with a friend?Β 

      And if you have an idea for a future issue, send ’em my way.

      Thanks for reading and I’ll catch you next week.

      Keep future-state thinking,
